Why should I hire a Professional Organizer?
Many people feel overwhelmed at the thought of organizing. Often, they don't know where to begin or how to manage the process. They don't have the knowledge or resources that might be needed. Some people just need an extra hand to work on a large project. Luckily, a Professional Organizer can help you with all of these things. We are non-judgemental, patient and knowledgeable. We can help you prioritize and focus on the tasks at hand. We even enjoy doing these projects!

How do we get started?
First, we would talk over the phone to discuss your unique needs and to get to know each other a bit. Next, we would schedule our first meeting. At that time, we tour the area and discuss your situation in more detail. Together, we would create your vision or goals for the project and plan how to achieve them. Then, it's time to get down to work.

How long will it take to get organized?
It is very difficult to estimate the time. This varies greatly according to each project and how much clutter, paper or "whatever" there is for us to review and process. It also depends on how quickly you can make decisions. Some projects will move quickly and others are more involved.

Will you make me get rid of all my "stuff"?
Only you will make the decisions regarding your "stuff". I will ask questions, encourage you to consider the possibilities and keep you focused on your goals.

Will I need to buy a lot of supplies or organizing products?
Initially, we are likely to need bags and/or boxes for trash, recycling, donations, etc. As we work through the project, we are likely to uncover and repurpose products that you currently have.  Eventually, we will review and determine if anything else is needed to organize and optimize your space. I can help you choose what would work best for your needs. 

I have always been disorganized. Can this really help?
Certainly! My experience, education and natural talent have proven to help my clients achieve their goals. My approach will be geared to your individual needs. I will help you create and implement a realistic plan. You can make a difference in your life!

Take the first step today.
Call Alisa at 301-651-1697 or email

Organizing Services
Declutter - Organize - Simplify - Smile